Rand Paul Message

Dear Concerned American,

Thank you for your interest in signing the Republican Presidential Challenge.

I need your help to get every Republican candidate for President to take a stand for the right to work.

You see, every year union bosses siphon over eight billion dollars from the paychecks of workers, many of whom, if they refuse to pay would be fired.
Click here to sign the petition
This money fuels a liberal political empire that is second to none -- electing union-label politicians like Barack Obama who promote more spending, taxes and forced unionism.

Unfortunately, some Republicans try to play that game too.

That's why I need you to sign the Republican Candidate Challenge below insisting they stand 100% for the Right to Work.

Your signature on the petition below is what is needed to convince the candidates that they must publicly show their support for the Right to Work issue.

And just for signing the challenge below, the National Right to Work Committee will send you a Don't Tread On Me bumper sticker on high quality, weatherproof vinyl, to show off your conservative values proudly for years to come.

This is an opportunity you and I cannot afford to miss.

Without your support for this candidate challenge, it will remain unknown which candidates will truly be a warrior for the Right to Work issue and which will let it fall to the wayside.

Please sign the challenge below right away and get your free Don't Tread On Me bumper sticker.


Rand Paul
U.S. Senator (R~KY)
Republican Candidate Challenge to
the Presidential Candidates

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Whereas:   It is necessary the Republican candidate for president be a firm, outspoken leader on the Right to Work issue; and
Whereas:   The Republican candidate for president must support legislation to repeal the provisions in federal laws which authorize compulsory union dues; and
Whereas:   Union bosses use this forced-dues fortune to corrupt our political system with over a billion dollars every election cycle; and
Whereas:   Union-puppet politicians routinely vote for higher taxes, bailouts, job-killing bureaucracy and even more porkbarrel spending keeping our nation locked in recession;
Therefore: I urge you in the strongest possible terms to complete and return the 2012 Right to Work Presidential Questionnaire so the American people know exactly where you stand on this important issue.
The National Right to Work Committee is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, single-purpose citizens' organization dedicated to combating compulsory unionism through an aggressive program designed to mobilize public opposition to compulsory unionism and, at the same time, enlist public support for Right to Work legislation. The Committee's mailing address is 8001 Braddock Road, Springfield, Virginia 22160. The Committee can be contacted toll-free at 1-800-325-7892. Privacy Policy