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Dear Right to Work Supporter:

The union bosses are putting massive pressure on every Senator to violate two centuries of precedent and destroy the minority party's ability to block legislation the American people do not support.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is planning to ram through a vote on January 22 to cut the heart out of the filibuster.

The National Right to Work Committee and its members have repeatedly used the Senate filibuster to keep Big Labor from stealing even more destructive monopoly power.

That's why it's vital you, using the form below, submit your free fax authorization to your U.S. Senators and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell at once urging them to oppose Reid's scheme or any so-called "compromise" that would weaken the filibuster.

mark mix sig
Mark Mix

Free Action Fax to:
My U.S. Senators and
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell

I am writing to encourage you to oppose any attempt to weaken or eliminate the Senate filibuster.

Whereas:   The Senate filibuster is a vital component of our constitutional republic that protects minority rights; and
Whereas:   Freedom-loving Americans have relied on the Senate filibuster time and again to defeat legislation that would further curtail our liberties and expand government power; and
Whereas:   The filibuster has protected workers and taxpayers from destructive Big Labor power grabs like the Card Check Forced Unionism Bill;
Therefore:  In the interests of freedom, I urge you to oppose any effort to weaken or eliminate the Senate filibuster.
By submitting the information below, you authorize the the National Right to Work Committee to fax your petition to the Capitol Hill offices of your Senators and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.
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Email Address:* Zip:*