
Only with a NLRB opposed to forced unionism will we be able to reverse the union-label regulations choking business owners, the economy and workers from the Obama-Big Labor NLRB era.

But if the U.S. Senate confirms the remaining pro-worker freedom nominee, William Emanuel, political experts believe the new board could reverse the Obama NLRB's devastation and protect the rights of independent-minded workers who are being ignored by the current Big Labor majority.

That's why it's vital you sign your petition below to President Trump, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and your U.S. Senators and also pitch in $10 or more to fuel the Committee's efforts to support a pro-worker freedom majority on the NLRB.

Petition to:

President Trump, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and my U.S. Senators

There will be one remaining vacancy on the NLRB and the appointee will shape the direction of the NLRB for years to come; and

Over the past eight years, the NLRB has acted as an organizing arm of Big Labor, tipping the scales in favor of union bosses to the detriment of America’s independent-minded workers; and

The American people overwhelmingly support worker freedom.

I urge you to promptly reverse the damage done by the Obama-Big Labor NLRB and confirm a replacement to the NLRB right away.

Submit your information below to complete your petition.