Please Contribute Below

Dear Concerned American,

Under current law, labor union officials are paid by the federal government to push Big Labor's forced-dues agenda during work hours.

It's called Official Time and it means instead of working for you, union officials in the public sector are using YOUR time and YOUR money to coerce even more government workers into dues-paying ranks.

Last year alone, the cost of Official Time to taxpayers like you was over one BILLION dollars!

The good news is, Senator Rand Paul has introduced the Federal Employee Accountability Act (S. 785) to put an end to this outrage.

So please sign your petition below insisting your Senators and Representative support this critical legislation to prohibit federal government workers from engaging in Big Labor activities on the taxpayers' dime.

Mark Mix
Mark Mix
President, Right to Work Committee

End Official Time Petition

Whereas:   Current law allows forced-dues militants to be paid to push Big Labor's agenda at work; and
Whereas:   Union bosses harass, stalk and threaten workers and their families; and
Whereas:   These activities undertaken by public sector union militants are funded by the taxpayer; and
Whereas:   Passage of the Federal Employee Accountability Act (S. 785) would prohibit union boss organizing and campaigning at work on the taxpayer dime.
Therefore: I urge you to support the Federal Employee Accountability Act (S. 785) or similar legislation to end Big Labor's Official Time racket.

By submitting the information below, you authorize the National Right to Work Committee to submit your petition to the offices of your Senators and Representative.

First Name:
Last Name: