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Dear Concerned American:

The U.S. Senate may vote on Barack Obama's radical Labor Secretary nominee Thomas Perez as soon as next week.

Perez has a long track record of using his positions of power to do Big Labor's bidding.

Please watch the urgent video alert to learn more.

mark mix sig
Mark Mix

P.S. After you've watched the video, please authorize your free fax petition below to your U.S. Senators urging them to oppose the confirmation of Thomas Perez. If you already have, please share the video with other like-minded citizens.

Free Action Fax to
My U.S. Senators

I am writing to encourage you to oppose the nomination of Thomas Perez to be the next Labor Secretary.

Whereas:   Thomas Perez's confirmation will continue the pro-Big Labor bent at Barack Obama's Department of Labor, which has gutted union disclosure standards to keep workers in the dark about how union bosses spend their forced dues; and
Whereas:   The nominee's record demonstrates a willingness to use his positions of power to promote the agenda of Big Labor at the expense of hard-working Americans; and
Whereas:   Perez derided the work ethic and skills of the over 93 percent of private-sector workers who are not union members when he commented that unionized workers "would be more productive, more motivated and more loyal" than non-union workers; and
Whereas:   Opposing Thomas Perez's nomination would send a strong message to President Obama against expanding forced unionism at a time when Americans want jobs, not more sweetheart deals and special privileges for Obama's Big Labor benefactors;
Therefore:   I urge you to oppose the nomination of Thomas Perez as Labor Secretary.
By submitting the information below, you authorize the National Right to Work Committee to fax your petition to the Capitol Hill offices of your U.S. Senators.
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