
Dear Concerned American,

You have an historic opportunity to break the cycle of tax-and-spend, political corruption and out of control budgets caused by Big Labor’s compulsory union power.

But you must strike now to make Congressmen and Senators choose between standing with the 80% of Americans who oppose forced unionism and Big Labor's multi-billion dollar political machine.

Your signature on the petition to your Congressman and Senators is what is needed to bust through the opposition and force a vote on the National Right to Work Act.

This is an opportunity you and I cannot afford to miss.

Without your support for the National Right to Work Committee, they have little chance against Big Labor's money and power in Congress.

Please sign the petition below right away.


Rand Paul
U.S. Senator, (R-KY)

P.S.  After signing the petition below, please consider chipping in with a donation of $10, $25 or more to the National Right to Work Committee.  And for first time donors, your donation will be doubled by a generous donor's matching grant.

National Right to Work Act Petition to:
My Representative & U.S. Senators

Whereas:   Federal law permits Big Labor to confiscate $8 billion from American workers’ paychecks every year just to get or keep a job;
Whereas:   This forced unionism breeds violent strikes and a hate-the-boss mentality which drive good jobs overseas, jack up prices and risk re-igniting inflation;
Whereas:   Union bosses use this forced-dues fortune to corrupt our political system with over a billion dollars every election cycle;
Whereas:   Union-puppet politicians routinely vote for higher taxes, bailouts, job-killing bureaucracy and even more porkbarrel spending keeping our nation locked in recession;
Therefore:  I urge you in the strongest possible terms to strike a blow for freedom and American prosperity by co-sponsoring and casting your every vote in favor the National Right to Work Act.
By submitting the information below, you authorize the National Right to Work Committee to deliver your petition to the Capitol Hill offices of your Congressman and Senators.
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