Big Labor's coercive "salting" campaigns damage businesses, destroy livelihoods and force thousands of workers under union boss control.
That's why it's vital you sign the petition below to your Congressman and Speaker Ryan, urging them to cosponsor and seek roll-call votes on the
Truth in Employment Act (H.R. 744).
After you've signed your petition, please help make this an issue the politicians can't ignore by pitching in $35 or more right away.
Mark Mix
President, National Right to Work Committee
Petition to:
House Speaker Paul Ryan and My U.S. Congressman
The Big Labor tactic known as "salting" is designed to force more and more workers to pay dues to a union boss just to get or keep a job; and
Militant union "Salts" harass thousands of workers, badgering them to submit to union boss control; and
Thousands of job creators face financial ruin -- the loss of their businesses, life savings and homes -- as the federal bureaucrats demand compensation to union "Salts" for so-called "hiring discrimination;" and
Corrupt union bosses rake in millions more in forced dues which they will funnel back into more coercive schemes designed to expand their control over America's workers, businesses and taxpayers.
I urge you to cosponsor and seek roll-call votes on the Truth in Employment Act (H.R. 744).