Please submit the information below to sign the petition.
Petition To: My U.S. Senators
Whereas: Judge Neil Gorsuch is a qualified and legally respected nominee for U.S. Supreme Court justice; and
Whereas: With Judge Gorsuch, a realm of opportunities to free workers from the shackles of forced unionism will be available; and
Whereas: None of these victories are possible unless Judge Neil Gorsuch is confirmed immediately to break the 4-4 deadlock.
Therefore: I urge you to support and vote to confirm Judge Neil Gorsuch right away.
© 2017, National Right to Work Committee Because of NRTWC's tax-exempt status under IRC Sec. 501 (C) (4) and its state and federal legislative activities, contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions (IRC § 170) or as a business deduction (IRC § 162(e)(1).