Dear Concerned American,

Last week, the Wisconsin State Assembly passed Governor Scott Walker's public-sector union monopoly bargaining reform bill.

The legislation would give most government employees the Right to Work without having to pay tribute to a labor union and take state government out of the hands of Big Labor, and put it back where it belongs – with the taxpayers.

But the union militants and their allies have shut down the Wisconsin State Senate to kill these reforms.

Please, sign the Open Letter to Governor Scott Walker and encourage him to stand strong against Big Labor.

Mark Mix
Mark Mix
President, Right to Work Committee

An Open Letter to:
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker

I’m writing to encourage you to continue to stand strong against Big Labor.
As you know, Public Sector Monopoly Bargaining has been a disaster for Wisconsin.
In fact, wherever Big Labor has control over public employees, union officials guarantee citizens pay more in taxes and get less for their tax money in return.
State and local governments across the country face looming budget deficits, and government-sector monopoly bargaining denies states and cities the flexibility to meet these financial challenges.
Moreover, the forced-dues system abridges the freedom of association of independent-minded workers who do not want to financially support or otherwise associate with a union. No worker should be forced to pay tribute to union officials as a condition of employment.
Therefore, I urge you to stand firm in Wisconsin's current battle against the union militants and their allies in elected office who have shut down schools and the State Senate to protect the special privileges and political influence of Big Labor.
By submitting the information below, you authorize the National Right to Work Committee to fax your open letter to the office of Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker.

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