Why is Debbie Stabenow hiding her forced dues agenda?

With the crucial midterm elections just days away, it’s vital as a concerned citizen you know your candidates’ positions on compulsory unionism.

Will they stand with you and the nearly 80% of Michiganders who think forcing workers to pay dues and fees to get or keep a job is just plain wrong . . .

. . . or will they side with the union bosses and their coercive forced-dues agenda?

In your U.S. Senate race, Republican John James has staked out his position in total opposition to forced unionism.

But Democrat Sen. Debbie Stabenow is stonewalling on the Right to Work issue.

The fact is, whenever politicians try to hide their positions on Right to Work, it all too often means they plan on voting with Big Labor in Washington.

That's why it's critical you demand Sen. Debbie Stabenow renounce the union bosses' forced-dues agenda at once!

And if you have time, please thank Republican John James for pledging 100% opposition to compulsory unionism.

Survey Questions

Keeping opponents of forced unionism informed of which candidates stand with them and which side with Big Labor is really putting a strain on the National Right to Work Committee’s resources.

So if you can help financially, I’d really appreciate it.

Whatever you can do -- $100, $50, $25, or $10 -- will help.

But most importantly, demand all your candidates take a stand against forced unionism.

Mark Mix
National Right to Work Committee