
"Union Guy" Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have been allowing Big Labor to run rampant over the American worker for the last 4 years to line their own pockets

And they are trying to ensure that this legacy continues long after they are out of office by nominating Lauren McFerran to ANOTHER five-year term at the NLRB - before her current term even expires. .

She has been such a radical Chairman that even some members of Biden and Harris's own party are nervous about being on record supporting her.

So the Biden-Harris Administration is counting on the distraction of the Holidays in this Lame Duck Congress' end-of-year crunch to quietly lock in another FIVE YEAR TERM for McFerran with no one noticing.

That's why it's crucial you sign the petition below so I can deliver it, along with tens of thousands of other petitions from like-minded folks, telling your Senators to stop this nomination cold.

Mark Mix
President, National Right to Work

Submit your information below to complete your petition.


Stop the Nomination of Lauren McFerran to the NLRB Board:

Majority Leader Schumer, Republican Leader Thune, My U.S. Senators

Biden-Harris Administration has nominated the current National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) chairman Lauren McFerran to her position -- though her term has not yet expired -- to hamstring the Trump Administration; and

With McFerran as Chair, this NLRB has handed Big Labor a tidal wave of favorable rulings, sometimes overturning decades of precedents to make it easier for union bosses to stick their fingers in worker pockets; and

If Biden and Harris sneak through this early renomination, McFerran will get to sit on the NLRB for another 5 years, cementing Big Labor's stranglehold at the NLRB through the next Presidential term;

With any vote on McFerran's nomination expected to be extremely close, Big Labor partisans could seek to exploit the absence of one or a few Senators to ram her confirmation through;

I urge you to make sure you will be present to oppose any vote on the NLRB and will vote NO on any deal that includes the renomination of Lauren McFerran to the National Labor Relations Board.